
母乳の放射能調査と母子支援について/Significance of research on breast milk and support for mothers and children affected by radiation exposure

[From http://bonyuutyousa.net/?p=185]

Significance of research on breast milk and support for mothers and children affected by radiation exposure

The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant catastrophe, a disaster of yet unknown proportions, has been sending large amounts of radioactivity into the environment since March 11 2011 causing widespread contamination throughout the northern half of Japan. For over two months after the accident, the residents in the vast areas have been forced to face constant exposure to radiation.

Despite the widespread contamination of radioactivity, internal exposure is not under serious consideration. The legal limits of food and water still remain high, creating a situation where residents in the affected areas are not able to protect themselves from potential internal exposure.

Even five years after the Chernobyl accident, about 20% of 206 breast milk samples from BRYANSK of the Russian Federation found to be contaminated with cesium-137 over the legal limit of 37 Bq/l. The survey that took place in Belarus in 2007 shows that even 21 years after the accident, contamination levels of 2-3 times the legal limit were identified in breast milk. We should not repeat the tragedy of Chernobyl that has still been affecting the people for a quarter century.

Under these circumstances, we founded the Support Network for mothers and children and started investigation on breast milk.

Initially, we examined nine samples that mothers in Fukushima, Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures offered and four of them were found to be contaminated with iodine. Unfortunately, our concerns were confirmed.

Following the test, we published the result in the press conference at the Ministry of Health/Labor/Welfare on April 21. We also called on mothers in Fukushima/Irabaki/Chiba for more support for the testing.

On May 18, we published the results of 49 samples including the first 9 samples. We called on the affiliated government and private institutions as well as the citizens for support. On June 2, we updated the data with additional results. On June 11, we published about 100 updated results. (See the figure at the bottom)

It is crucial to run research on breast milk contamination because:

1. It is an indication for possible internal exposure among infants.

Due to the fact that infants are said to be 3-10 times susceptible to radiation compared to adults and there is said to be no threshold for internal exposure, we consider the data of radioactive substances in breast milk to be crucial information for measuring internal exposure of infants.

2. It offers important information to know internal exposure of mothers

Along with other measurements such as blood/urine tests and whole body counts, it also can be an important indication for internal exposure among the residents of the affected areas.

3 It is effective for prevention of further internal exposure

It can also be possible to make assumption how they were affected by combining personal information of mothers such as their lifestyle and what they have eaten and where they went. It leads to avoidance of further risk, along with the other monitoring of air, soil, water and foodstuffs.

4 It builds important data for potential health problems among children and adults, offering useful information for identification of the cause and providing better treatments

*Breast milk plays a great role for infants’ immune system. Therefore we’d like to confirm safety of breast milk.

We, the Support Network for mothers and children for the breast milk testing, are calling for nursing mothers in the affected areas to join the test. We also ask people across the country to donate and support. (currently, the cost of testing is 15,000yen/sample)

Donate to: Japan Postal Bank(Yucho Bank)
Account Holder Name : 母乳調査・母子支援ネットワーク

Bank name : Yucho Bank
Account Number: 12170-7008999